Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Remembering those we love...

When I was 11, I first met the Adachi's, the couple who I would later call my Japanese parents, "haha" (mom) and "otousan" (father). They had come to the US as part of our sister church program with a parish in Tokyo and had stayed in our home.

Although I didn't live in Tokyo when I first moved to Japan years later, I met my Japanese parents often for diner and church when I would travel to Tokyo for the weekends. Then I lived with them for a couple of years while I was learning to stand on my own two feet after I returned to Japan from the UK after completing my MA in filmmaking.

In 2008, "otousan", my Japanese father, died. Each year, "haha", my Japanese mom, and sister gather together for dinner on otousan's birthday, December 12.

Otousan loved wine. And cake. And roses. We had them all, along with his picture.

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